This past weekend by brother and my niece came to visit! We had a great time. Carter loved being with Lyla. He says her name really well and followed her everywhere. Saturday morning we went to the Children's Museum.
Dave, Carter, Lyla, and Scott getting on Arthur t.v.
Construction Zone
We went to the Dew Tour to see some of the things Scott works on, but we didn't really get any good pictures. We had BBQ in the afternoon and the kids played together.

Playing hide and seek.....

Scott brough his dog Ralph to visit too. This was great for Carter. Carter LOVES dogs (from a distance). He gets a little wary when they get too close, so it was good for him to spend time with Ralph. Here is Carter and Ralphie!

We went to the Dew Tour to see some of the things Scott works on, but we didn't really get any good pictures. We had BBQ in the afternoon and the kids played together.

Scott brough his dog Ralph to visit too. This was great for Carter. Carter LOVES dogs (from a distance). He gets a little wary when they get too close, so it was good for him to spend time with Ralph. Here is Carter and Ralphie!