This is the view from Bar Harbor on the day we arrived.
On our first day the weather was overcast in the morning but cleared up by noon so it worked out really well. We drove the park loop road in the morning and stopped at Sand Beach to walk around.
We also went to Thunder Hole. The access to the rocks was closed down due to hurricane Bill, which swept several people away the day before.
We then went to Jordon Pond and hiked around the pond. This was a great hike with Carter and we had a good time with spectacular views.
Carter working hard on the hike.
After our hike around the pond we went to Jordon Pond House for lunch and ate lunch on the lawn.

After Carter napped we went to Bass Harbor and saw a light house and took another quick walk in the woods. 

The next day we walked to Bar Harbor Island at low tide.
Went to the top of Cadillac Mountain

We also hiked up Gorham Mountain and then spent the rest of the day in Bar Harbor.

This is Carter on the way home....

The next day we walked to Bar Harbor Island at low tide.
We also hiked up Gorham Mountain and then spent the rest of the day in Bar Harbor.