As everyone knows this has been an unusually mild winter. We have been able to go to the park a lot in the winter which is nice. Last winter the park was buried from December until March! Uncle Brian and Auntie Erin gave Carter a T-Ball set for his birthday and we got to take it to park to play. Mason of course wanted to be a part of it and got to take a few practice swings as well.
Carter decided he wanted to make Valentines for Grandma and Nana this year. So we went to work. Carter went a little overboard with the stickers. He said to me when I mailed them "I sure hope they like the stickers!" So I hope Grandma and Nana enjoyed their Valentines and especially the stickers. Carter had a doctor's appointment on Valentines Day (4 years!) so we had to bring him to school a little late. He was SO concerned he would miss his party. He made a mailbox at school and they made cookies in his class.
I cannot believe Carter turned 4. He really is getting so big. We had his birthday party on Saturday, the day of his actual birthday and we were really fortunate to have lots of friends and family attend. Here is Carter on the very last day of being a three year old.
We got up in the morning and made breakfast. Carter really wanted to make these pancakes that we had. Yes, they are pepto bismol pink.
When Carter came downstairs his presents from Mom & Dad were out. We set up for the party... Being silly before the guests arrived
Carter is in the Pre-K room at school. His teacher, Mr. Shawn, is great with the kids and takes it very seriously. The kids have weekly show and tell and now we have homework every week. Carter is learning how to write his letters and numbers and there is also a lot of counting, shapes, patterns, etc. We get a folder at the beginning of every week and return it at the end of the week. Carter was trying to do his homework the other day and Mason was trying to grab his crayons and color. Carter said "Mason this is my homework, only pre-schoolers have homework, you are too little." Here he is working hard.
My wonderful Husband got me an IPad for Christmas. I love it. Everyone told me about all the "apps" it had for kids and I told myself I was not going to be letting the kids use it. First of all, its expensive, its mine, and I didn't want their hands on it! Secondly, I'm not a big fan of too much screen time for the kids, television or otherwise and I try to be conscience of limiting it. That being said, I caved quickly and Carter loves the IPad. He likes Angry Birds and an app called "Bugs & Buttons" which really is great for kids. It has a lot of stuff he is doing in school such as counting, number recognition, sorting, patterns, etc. Here are some pictures of Carter and the IPad.