We finally got Carter a new bed. Dave and I took the day off and bought his bed and new bedding and set his room up for him. He was so excited to see it! We also got Mason a new rug for his room.
The kids and I went to visit Grandma recently. It gave Dave an opportunity to do some things around the house that were LONG overdue and he was a good little worker while we were away. When we arrived at Grandma's (on St. Patrick's Day) we discovered a Leprechaun had visited.
We went for a walk in the woods to show Carter where I used to play as a kid.
We read books with Grandma On Sunday we went to the maple weekend at Parker's Sugar House. It was such a beautiful day and we got to go with lots of family and friends.
Carter got this book for birthday and both kids love it. We have been reading it every night. It's about a little brother trying to play with the older boy so it's ideal for us! Grandma gave us this book awhile ago and it is currently another favorite. Carter has it memorized.
Mason is so funny lately. He is a little parrot to Carter. He repeats everything Carter says (which sometimes is not great) and copies every move. The other night at dinner he refused to drink from his sippy cup and kept pointing to Carter's cup. I gave him a real cup and he did a great drop drinking from it. If you watch the video you will also notice him dipping his sandwich in his cup. This is because Carter and Daddy also like to dip their food (Note: Dave only dips normal things like cookies and grilled cheese in tomato soup, whereas Carter dips everything he eats-its gross).
This winter has been a big disappointment as far as snow goes. I know most are happy without it, but I would rather have snow to play in then looks at dead grass. We had some snow last week and the kids and I got to play outside for awhile.