Carter used to be very good at going to bed. We have recently gone through some difficulties in putting him to bed, although as of this post he has actually gone back to going to bed fairly well. When he was refusing to go to bed he would stand at the top of the stairs and say "Mommy, I need you, " "I want to see my Mommy," "Mom and Dad, I just want to talk." "I need to use the potty" (That one I would often fall for, but then said until you want to use the potty during the day, forget it!). "I want to rock," "I need a drink of water," "I want to see my Daddy..." and on and on and on.......
After about a week of eventually just ignoring him, he now goes to bed. However, as soon as we leave his room, he gets up and goes to sleep in the spare room. We then have to move him to his bed, where he typically sleeps the rest of the night. Every once in awhile we have a 3:00 a.m. visitor but not too often.
These are some pictures of our nighttime routine.
We do baths, Carter loves his bear towel.

Put on p.j.s

We read stories...

Then we hope everyone stays asleep all night!
"I want to rock." That's hysterical!